Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Wouldn't it be awesome to have a job to which I can't wait to go? so that morning wouldn't come fast enough? Are there jobs like that? I'm so tired, in all senses of the word, of getting up before the sun rises and returning home when the sun has set.

Why is it that sleep is the sweetest and most wonderful just as the morning alarm rings?

Screw the lawyers of the world, making things needlessly complicated so that only members of their small club could do it.

Stupid world, the worst of all possible worlds, any better and it wouldn't exist, with work being necessary just to live. I'm not just talking about going to the dreadful office, full of incompetent and greedy people. To keep living, there's always work to be done. Water, food, sleep, shelter, clothes.

To what end? Just to reproduce so the cycle continues for someone else?

I hope Ben's lunch is long today, so I can sleep at my desk.